Brief Info About Socio Application

Socio is a hyperlocal chatting platform that allows users to talk about anything that affects their daily lives, such as politics, sports, babysitters, groceries, sewage and drainage, crime, and so on.
Android | iOS
Platform Availability
Consumer | Social & Communities
Business Domain

Taxi Hiring Application

Taxi service is a fully automated and convenient mode of transportation. The app handles the entire booking process with minimal human intervention.
Built For
iOS | Android

Dream Share Application

We are all prone to forgetting our dreams. What if we could save it as soon as we wake up, preserving the wonderful dream experience forever? DreamShare App is an application that allows you to do just that, as well as share those dreams with your friends.
Platform Availability
Android | iOS | PhoneGap
Business Domain
Analytics | Consumer | Social & Communities
iPhone and iPad App Experts

iOS App Development Services

With expertise working with businesses from different industries, we are professionals in creating iPhone and iPad mobile apps.

Algoworks specializes in offering end-to-end Mobile app development services with the most recent iOS SDKs and a seamless native user interface design.

Beauty and Fashion Services

The Beauty and Fashion Services app is an on-demand beauty app that offers a plethora of beauty services and allows users to have beauty treatments delivered to their door in the most convenient way possible.
Android | iOS
Platform Availability
Analytics | Consumer | Entertainment & Media
Business Domain
Personalized Android Mobile Solutions

Android Mobile Application Development Services

Android is one of the most used and widely accepted mobile operating systems, with the ability to increase your clientele by millions.

We at Algoworks have excelled at creating visually stunning and aesthetically pleasing Android Apps that run seamlessly on all major Android devices and versions.
Cross-Platform Mobile Solutions

HTML5 App Development

We use HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript to create high-quality, business-centric, and feature-rich cross-platform mobile and web apps.

We are well-known for our understanding of clients' needs, our streamlined development methodology, and our solid business track record.
Code Once, Run Anywhere

Xamarin App Development

Xamarin is a powerful cross-platform mobile app development toolset based on C# that allows you to develop apps for Windows, iOS, and Android from just one code base.

We developed Xamarin-based apps for all types of businesses, from small-scale to big-scale companies, as one of the first Xamarin experts.

Innovative Mobile Application:
We analyze your ideas

Algoworks, the top mobile app development company is a group of industry experts who have been successfully delivering mobile and consulting services since 2006. We offer our expertise and assist future app owners in developing the ideal product strategy for their apps.

Designing The Perfect App:
UI/UX done the right way

A good design is what make an app stand out. We understand what it takes to make an app successful and a user-friendly mobile experience comes at the top of list of priorities.

We help app owners in strategizing the right feature set, choose the right color and typography elements, and then design and define the whole user experience.

Our App Development:
Speed. Sharp. Smart.

This is the step where actual application development is done. In this stage we give the functionality to our designs and bring out the first functional prototypes.

Once the prototypes are validated, we develop the complete app with all its feature sets and functionalities. We test the application to kick out all the bugs and to make sure that it runs with optimum performance across all devices and use-cases. Once the app gets an OK from our eagle-eyes, it will be all set to be unleashed into the wild.

Launching the App on Stores

Once we have stabilized the release candidate of the app, it's time to take it live. We here at Algoworks have the experience in deploying hundreds of application and helping app owners in passing all strict standards required by all major app stores.

From app store optimizations to app marketing strategies, we will not let you out of sight until we ourselves are satisfied!

Future Scaling of The App:
Time to think about 2.x

The lifecyle of an app does not end after launching the product. We need to take the app to the next level.
We help app owners analyze the performance of their existing app, and help in preparing strategies for getting better user engagement, finding and developing more features, and preparing a plan for future releases.